28 February 2022

Day 16/100 : the100dayproject

February 28, 2022 at 10:41PM

Day 16/100 : A journey is not complete without a journal and a camera. Block #11 (the second to the last block) for my camino lap quilt.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CahQjtQJacY/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

27 February 2022

Day 15/100 : the100dayproject

February 27, 2022 at 10:14PM

Day 15/100 : The scallop shell - the most well known and iconic symbol associated with the Camino de Santiago is Block #10 (the third to the last block) for my camino lap quilt.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaeovcHJRTr/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

27-Feb-2022 - What is growing in my garden today

Today, my avocado plants I planted from seeds in 2020 when Australia was in its first official covid lockdown (sometime in March 2020). Has survived delta, omicron and even the son of omicron. Can not wait how it would look like in 6 months time and/or even 12months from now.

#avocadoplant #avocadotree #houseplants #homegrown #avocado #gardeninspiration #backyard #backyardgarden #tree #backyardtree #nature #garden #gardenphotography

26 February 2022

Day 14/100 : the100dayproject

February 26, 2022 at 10:22PM

Day 14/100 : Today I printed the Pilgrim's prayer translated in English. The original prayer which I believe is in Spanish can be found in the church of O Cebreiro. This is Block #9 for my camino lap quilt.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CacE2T6p_G2/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

26-Feb-2022 - What is growing in my garden today

 homegrown capsicums

#chillipepper #backyard #backyardgarden #tree #backyardtree #nature #garden #gardenphotography

25 February 2022

Day 13/100 : the100dayproject

February 25, 2022 at 11:18PM

Day 13/100 : Printed Scallop shells and yellow arrows as Block #8 for my camino lap quilt.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaZmcz0p_Yj/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

Fundraiser : Quilt & Wallhanging of the Day : "Family Tree" Memory Quilt - Names

 Another type of Memory Quilt in the form of a family tree but with names of family members written on the boxes. - A legacy for future generations…a quilted family tree that can preserve memories of those who live in our hearts. An excellent gift to give to Mum or Grandma on their special days or to give to Mum and/or Grandma on Mother's Day, for that special someone in your life or for anyone on any occasion , showing generations of love. Something special to look at any time of the day, month or year.

Printed on 100% cotton fabric sheets with 15 name boxes that can show quilt pieces and/or pictures of your family history. Available in two sizes : 32 x 40cm with a 2cm x 5cm name box and 19.5cm x 25cm with a 1cm x 2.5cm name box.

Click on any of the images above or click here to check out this item. And watch out for more family tree quilts!

** $25.00 from the proceeds of the sale of this 'Walk in the Light' wallhanging will go to Dress A Girl Australia's Postage Fund to help pay for the cost of distributing dresses to disadvantaged children in the world. Click here to know more about Dress A Girl Australia.

24 February 2022

Day 12/100 : the100dayproject

February 24, 2022 at 11:14PM

Day 12/100 : Purchased this fabric from an online shop that prints special designs on a fabric. This will be Block #7 for my camino lap quilt. 

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaXBLldpsZq/ 

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

23 February 2022

Day 11/100 : the100dayproject

February 23, 2022 at 11:41PM

Day 11/100 : My camino route from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela is the last part of the longer Camino Frances route (also known as the French Way) and this route is Block #6 for my camino lap quilt. 

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaUfhDoJ3xZ/ Febr

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

23-Feb-2022 - What is growing in my garden today

 chilli peppers. definitely enjoying my garden

#chillipepper #backyard #backyardgarden #tree #backyardtree #nature #garden #gardenphotography

22 February 2022

Day 10/100 : the100dayproject

February 22, 2022 at 07:42PM

Day 10/100 : I believe am one day late. Today is supposed to be the 10th day and am only on my 9th ... so did a print for my fifth block (#5)- which for me comes naturally after the Santiago Cross - the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral for my camino lap quilt.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaRfVdTpcwU/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

Day 9/100 : the100dayproject

February 22, 2022 at 07:05PM

Day 9/100 : Printed my fourth block(#4)- the Santiago Cross today for my camino lap quilt.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaRbCYSp10u/ 

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

21 February 2022

Fundraiser : Quilt & Wallhanging of the Day : "Family Tree" Memory Quilt

A Memory Quilt in the form of a family tree - A legacy for future generations…a quilted family tree that can preserve memories of those who live in our hearts. An excellent gift to give to Mum or Grandma on their special days or to give to Mum and/or Grandma on Mother's Day or for anyone on any occasion , showing generations of love. Something special to hold, hug or look at any time of the day, month or year.

An enlarged tree printed on 100% cotton fabric sheets with seven frames that can show quilt pieces and/or pictures of your family history. Approximate size of the quilted tree is 13.5” wide by 18” high and each picture frame is approximately 3” wide and 1.5” high. Binded by a 100% cotton brown fabric with running stitches all around the square about 2” wide to look like it has been framed. Total approximate size of the memory quilt is 18” x 22”. Picture frames, hill background and tree trunk has been handquilted. At the back is a quilt label where you can jot down the date, write to whom you are giving the quilt to and from whom . 

Click on any of the images above or click here to check out this item. And watch out for more family tree quilts!

** $25.00 from the proceeds of the sale of this 'Walk in the Light' wallhanging will go to Dress A Girl Australia's Postage Fund to help pay for the cost of distributing dresses to disadvantaged children in the world. Click here to know more about Dress A Girl Australia.

Day 8/100 : the100dayproject

February 21, 2022 at 08:47PM

Day 8/100 : Printed another block (#3) for my camino lap quilt
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaPB7jBpVFP/ 
#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures
#imadethiscaminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

19 February 2022

Day 6/100 : the100dayproject

February 19, 2022 at 11:34PM

Day 6/100 : Another block (#1) for my camino lap quilt

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaKLc5RJa_O/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #softtreasures #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

17 February 2022

Day 5/100 : the100dayproject

February 17, 2022 at 12:33AM

Day 5/100 : Spent a couple of hours today researching on camino symbols for my next quilt project - camino lap quilt. And this time the #the100dayproject will inspire me to finish it so I can take it with me when I do the camino in 2023.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaFIrVmpn5j/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #camino #caminodesantiago #caminoquilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday #softtreasures

16 February 2022

Day 4/100 : the100dayproject

February 16, 2022 at 12:28AM

Day 4/100 : joining #the100dayproject is a great idea as I get the chance to finish some, if not all(I hope) my half-done craft projects. some of them are waiting to be completed especially quilts. This is one of them. I printed this image in 2018 and never got to finish it. Today after working on it for over an hour, it is finally what it is supposed to be...a family tree wallhanging.

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaCjT31p7XF/  

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #quilt #ilovequilts #ilovequilting #handmadequilt #familytreewallhanging #familytreequilt #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday #softtreasures

15 February 2022

Day 3/100 : the100dayproject

February 15, 2022 at 12:28AM 

Day 3/100 : 'what is a day like for a crafter'...for a few minutes and/or a few hours a day...and for the next 100 days (97 to be exact) ....as the possibilities are endless and limited only by one's imagination.

i enjoy making buttons so for today (Day 3/100 of the #the100dayproject) I made myself these '86K for a cure' buttons. I committed to walking 86km in March for the 86kids who are diagnosed with cancer each month. Any of these buttons pinned on the hat that I wear every morning when i go for a walk will remind me of the 86kids.

#curingchildhoodcancer #childrenscancerinstitute #makeadifference #the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject 
#100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday #softtreasures #86Kforacure

14 February 2022

Day 2/100 : the100dayproject

 February 14, 2022 at 12:28AM 

Day 2/100 : a heart-shaped earth with the virtues of the heart. a "make this world a better place" sticker printed on a peel & stick inkjet printable fabric sheet.

#loveourearth #virtuesoftheheart #makeadifference #the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #softtreasures #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

13 February 2022

Day 1/100 : the100dayproject

 February 13, 2022 at 12:28AM 

Day 1/100 : helping protect our precious environment by using these 2 recycled stitched notebooks for #the100dayproject 

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #craftjournal #softtreasures #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday

12 February 2022

The 100dayproject

 I am a bit of a creative person and would do lots of creative things even when I was still working full-time.  And this year I decided to join 'the100dayproject' which starts 13-Feb-2022 for 100 days. The theme of my project would be 'what is a day like for a person who loves to craft' and ... for the next 100 days.

The100DayProject is a *free* global art project that takes place online. Every year, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of creating. Anyone can participate. The idea is simple: choose a creative project, do it every single day for 100 days. You can share your process on social using the hashtag #The100DayProject. Would'nt that be fun!

#the100dayproject #dothe100dayproject #100daysofgardeningtravellermadethistoday #softtreasures