As we all know, this coming Sunday is for all the Dads in Australia and New Zealand and perhaps in other countries as well. I made these buttons and cards specifically for this special day and it may be a bit late for this Sunday but they still are available in my online shop.
These are the Dad's buttons I made which can be pinned on Dad's shirt or pinned on their hats.
Sample of where the buttons can be pinned.
And these are the handmade cards for Dad which were printed from my old inkjet-printer.
Whichever you choose, all you have to do is click on any of the images above to check them out and I hope you all have a wonderful and fun day celebrating Dad's special day on Sunday.
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29 August 2019
Handcraft of the Week : Cutting off the Succulent Blooms from a Sedum
August 29, 2019 at 12:36PM
Succulent flowers from my goldenglowstonecrop plant in a vase. Cutting them off gives the plant more energy to create new growths.

#sedum #sedumadolphii #goldenglowstonecrop #succulentblooms #succulentbloom
#bloomingsucculent #succulentstalks #succulentflower #succulentflowers #succulents
#succulentplants #plant #plants #plantopedia #succulentopedia #lovesucculents
#succulentgarden #succulentcollection #softtreasures #succulentsofinstagram
#succulentoftheday #gogreen #livingwithplants
28 August 2019
CraftBook of the Day : Dollmaking - Crafting Cloth Dolls
With more than one hundred glorious full-color photographs of cloth dolls, many of them award-winning creations and detailed drawings throughout, these pages are bursting with creative inspiration for those starting their first doll or their fiftieth.
Click on the image above to see more details of this book.
#dollmaking #dolls #craftingclothdolls #doll #handmadedolls #handcrafteddolls #dollmakingbooks #sewingbooks #sewing #dollmakinginspiration #instabooks #sewingcommunity #dollmakingpatterns #craftproject #craftideas #softtreasures #ilovetocraft #craftingcommunity #stitchingprojects #giftideas #handmadegifts
#dollmaking #dolls #craftingclothdolls #doll #handmadedolls #handcrafteddolls #dollmakingbooks #sewingbooks #sewing #dollmakinginspiration #instabooks #sewingcommunity #dollmakingpatterns #craftproject #craftideas #softtreasures #ilovetocraft #craftingcommunity #stitchingprojects #giftideas #handmadegifts
26 August 2019
Father's Day Gift Ideas : Dad's Quilted Tie for Father's Day
August 26, 2019 at 10:36PM
Dad's Quilted Tie for father's day. If you are looking for something to give to Dad on his special day this weekend.
Click on the image above to see more details of this quilted product. Will make a great Father's Day gift.
Click on the image above to see more details of this quilted product. Will make a great Father's Day gift.
#fordad #dadstie #dadsquiltedtie #fathersday #dad #bestdad #handmadegifts #giftideas #giftsfordad #giftsforfather #fathersdaygift #fathersdaygiftideas #softtreasures #imadethis #quiltideas #craftingcommunity #happyfathersday #handcrafted #quiltfordad #makersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram
25 August 2019
Handcraft of the Week #1 : Cutting off the Succulent Blooms
Succulent flowers in a vase. Decided to cut them off so the plants can retain its power to live and create new babies.

#succulentflowers #succulents #succulentplants #plant #plants #plantopedia
#succulentopedia #lovesucculents #succulentgarden #succulentcollection #softtreasures
#succulentsofinstagram #succulentoftheday #gogreen #livingwithplants
Succulent of the Day : Jelly Beans
Sedum rubrotinctum or jelly-beans or pork and beans. Ready to live on its own.
#sedumrubrotinctum #jellybeans #jellybeanplant #succulents #succulentplants #plant
#plants #plantopedia #succulentopedia #lovesucculents #succulentgarden
#succulentcollection #softtreasures #succulentsofinstagram #succulentoftheday #gogreen

#sedumrubrotinctum #jellybeans #jellybeanplant #succulents #succulentplants #plant
#plants #plantopedia #succulentopedia #lovesucculents #succulentgarden
#succulentcollection #softtreasures #succulentsofinstagram #succulentoftheday #gogreen
Location or Activity for the week : Birdwatching
Birdwatching ... learning about birds...while walking
Click on any of the images above to follow my travel adventures.
#bird #birds #nature #connectwithnature #sydney #view #seeaustralia #australia #ilovesydney #visitnsw #visitsydney #exploringaustralia #softtreasures #nswaustralia #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdstagram #lovetheearth
Click on any of the images above to follow my travel adventures.
#bird #birds #nature #connectwithnature #sydney #view #seeaustralia #australia #ilovesydney #visitnsw #visitsydney #exploringaustralia #softtreasures #nswaustralia #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdstagram #lovetheearth
Succulents of the Day : Aeonium or tree houseleeks
another batch of tree houseleeks to take care of for my urban jungle
#treeaeonium #aeonium #treehouseleek #succulents #succulentplants #plant #plants
#plantopedia #succulentopedia #lovesucculents #succulentgarden #succulentcollection
#softtreasures #cactus #cacti #succulentsofinstagram #succulentoftheday

#treeaeonium #aeonium #treehouseleek #succulents #succulentplants #plant #plants
#plantopedia #succulentopedia #lovesucculents #succulentgarden #succulentcollection
#softtreasures #cactus #cacti #succulentsofinstagram #succulentoftheday
20 August 2019
Craft Magazine #1 for the Week 12-25-Aug-2019 : Sew Hip July 2009 Issue 8
Another pre-owned magazine from my personal collection if you are passionate about fabrics. 90 pages of the best patterns and features including sew your own veg, beginner pattern for a stunning skirt, 13 fabulous items to stitch today, crafting with kids, making an obi belt. Projects include tablecloth dress, ruffle bag, beach jacket, cute quilt and much more.
Click on any of the images above to see more details of this magazine. It still looks new and in excellent condition with patterns still attached where applicable.
#dressmaking #sew
#sewing #sewhip #sewingmagazines #sewinginspiration #softtreasures
#magazinestagram #welovemagazines #craftingcommnity #instamagazines
#sewingcommunity #sewingpatterns #craftproject #craftpatterns #craftideas
#craftmagazine #welovemagazines
15 August 2019
Craft Magazine #3 for the Week 12-17-Aug-2019 : Stitches Presents Inside Secrets on Jackets Edition Vol 19 No 7
Stitches Collectors Edition Vol 19 No 7 presents the Inside Secrets on Jackets. From my personal collecton. Still looks new and in excellent condition with patterns still attached where applicable. Issue includes introduction of Connie Crawford's Butterick Designer pattern. Plus: Trial a Marfy Jacket Pattern. Inserting the lining on Jackets. Top 8 Jackets for Winter. Perfecting collars. Shortening linings. Transferring Darts. Latest Fabrics & patterns. This issue is also filled with tips and techniques. Click on any of the images below to see more details of this collector edition magazine.
#dressmaking #stitches #jackets #sewingjackets #sewingmagazines #magazines #sewing #sewinginspiration #instamagazines #sewingcommunity #sewingpatterns #craftmagazine #sewingmagazine #softtreasures #ilovetocraft #craftingcommnity #stitchingprojects #magazinestagram #welovemagazines
12 August 2019
Craft Magazine #2 for the Week 12-17-Aug-2019 : Stitches Presents Pants and Skirts Vol 20 No 5
A Vol 20 No 5 Collector's edition of a Stitches Magazine on Pants and Skirts. Shows you the best Shapes below the Waist. Three skirts from one pattern. Design and make your own patterns for a 2-piece outfit and stretch cargo pants. Learn to adjust men's trousers. Fabulous skirt from Sewing Workshop Collection. And tips and techniques.
A rare magazine find. Still looks very new and in excellent condition. Patterns are still attached to the magazine where applicable. Check it out by a click on any of the images above.
A rare magazine find. Still looks very new and in excellent condition. Patterns are still attached to the magazine where applicable. Check it out by a click on any of the images above.
#stitches #pants #skirts #sewingpants #sewingskirts #sewingmagazines #magazines
#sewing #sewinginspiration #instamagazines #sewingcommunity #sewingpatterns
#craftmagazine #sewingmagazine #softtreasures #ilovetocraft #craftingcommnity
#stitchingprojects #magazinestagram #welovemagazines
Craft Magazine for the Day : Dressmaking with Stitches Vol 19 Issue No 10
Are you into dressmaking? Would you like to create your own wardrobe? Would you like your wardrobe to be filled by handmade dresses. Here is a pre-owned magazine from my collection that can help you attain that dream. The fashion magazine for people who sew. Free Knitting Pattern. Easy travel skirt. How to repair rips and tears. Add a front pleat feature to a blouse. And lots of tips and techniques on this Vol 19 Issue No 10 of the Stitches Magazine on Dressmaking. Click on any of the images below to see more details.
A rare magazine find for the price of $5.50 plus postage. Postage is calculated upon payment via paypal.
#stitches #knitting #sewingmagazines #magazines #sewing #sewinginspiration
#instamagazines #sewingcommunity #sewingpatterns #craftproject #craftpatterns
#craftideas #craftmagazine #sewingmagazine #softtreasures #ilovetocraft
#craftingcommnity #stitchingprojects #magazinestagram #welovemagazines
08 August 2019
Location of the Day : Koalas in Sydney
Aug 8, 2019 at 06:22PM
koalas are marsupials native to australia. They are not bears but because they look like a teddy bear they are sometimes called koala bears. These pictures have been taken at Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney.
Click on any of the images above to follow my travel adventures.
Location of the Day : A Wall of Antique Sewing Machines in Los Angeles California
Aug 7, 2019 at 11:45PM
A year ago today while window shopping in one of the malls near Venice Beach, Los Angeles County , one of the shops had a wall full of antique sewing machines. had to go inside the shop to take a few shots of the wall.
Click on any of the images above to follow my travel adventures.
#sewingmachines #vintagesewingmachine #venicebeach #totravelistolive #livelife
#worldtravels #yolo #gardeningtraveller #travelphotography #photography #collectibles
#ilovesewing #sewistsofinstagram #sewingismytherapy #craftingcommunity
06 August 2019
Succulents for the Day : Urban Jungle
Aug 6, 2019 at 09:59PM
this arrangement would look good in any corner inside the house. do you agree with me?

For any enquiries, please click here.
#cacti #succulents #succulentoftheday #imadethis #giftideas #indoorgarden #urbanjungle #plantsofinstagram
Craft Tools/Supplies of the Day : Are you into Candlemaking?
Aug 6, 2019 at 02:39PM
Are you into candles and would love to make your own. Soft Treasures has the right supplies of utmost quality to help you with your candlemaking needs. Click on any of the images below to check a few selection of wicks, wick stickums, pouring pots, candlemaking thermometers and candle containers.
1) Candlemaking thermometer -
1) Candlemaking thermometer -
2) Wick stickums -
3) Self-centering wicks for votives -
4) Candle Moulds - Wax Breakaway Clamshells -
5) Votive Mould and Wick Pin Set -
6) Polycarbonate Tealight Cups - Clear
Check them out soon as once they are sold they will be gone.
#votives #tealights #jarcandles #wickstickums #candlemaking #candle #candles #scentedcandles #homedecor #soycandles #handmade #giftideas #giftbasket #craft #craftingcommunity #craftproject #craftideas #softtreasures #handpouredcandles #ilovecandles #ilovecandlemaking #handcraftedcandles
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